如何办理美国工签?怎么拿到美国工卡?如何申请美国工签合法在美国打工?今天的话题是美国工签代办机构推荐阅读:工签与绿卡的区别,美国工签和美国绿卡有哪些区别和不同?美签代办机构推荐今天的话题是:搬家后10天内要去美国移民局改地址!大家好!我是美国签证找大鹤,可以教会你如何保护好自己的隐私的申请美国签证,可以教会你全方位的申请流程、步骤、奥秘、细节,我是美国签证找大鹤,我从2005年开始到现在只研究美国签证。除外交签证外,所有外籍居民,包括美国学生签证、美国工签、持有美国绿卡的永久居民,搬家 10 天之内需要通知 USCIS,否则属于「Misdemeanor Crime」,可能导致以下后果:
(1)最高 $200 美元罚款,或者/以及最高 30 天监禁;
外国人搬家通知 USCIS 的法律规定:
Notifying USCIS of a Change of Address Is ImportantIt is the sole responsibility of the applicant/petitioner to ensure USCIS has the correct address information on file.[...]
Non-U.S. Citizens: By law, you must complete Form AR-11 to report any change in permanent address within 10 days.[...]
Note penalty: Willful failure to give written notice to USCIS of a change of address within 10 days is a misdemeanor crime, and could also jeopardize the ability to obtain a future immigration benefit.
A willful failure to give written notice to the USCIS of a change of address within 10 days of moving to the new address is a misdemeanor crime. If convicted, you (or the parent or legal guardian of an alien under 14 years of age who is required to give notice) can be fined up to $200 or imprisoned up to 30 days, or both. The alien may also be subject to removal from the United States. (INA Section 266(b)). Compliance with the requirement to notify the USCIS of any address changes is also a condition of your stay in the United States. Failure to comply could also jeopardize your ability to obtain a future visa or other immigration benefit.
例外情形包括外交官签证(A)、国际组织官员(G)和无需签证访问美国、停留不到30天的非移民。其他的所有外籍居民,包括学生签证、绿卡,搬家10天内需要通知 USCIS。
1、如果你有 USCIS 官网帐号、在官网提交了 I-539 等申请,应该在官网帐号里联系 USCIS 更新地址。
2、邮寄 AR-11 表格。表格下载地址:uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/forms/ar-11.pdf(不推荐此方法,以防邮件丢失)
3、点链接egov.uscis.gov/coa/displayCOAInitForm.do?fromFirstCoaPage=true 在线更改。(推荐此方法)
假如你在 USCIS 官网没有帐号,有邮寄的申请在等 USCIS 批准,那么打开在线修改地址网页之后,「Have you filed an immigration-related application or petition and have not yet received a decision notice, card, or document?」 选择 「Yes」,然后输入你的案件信息(case information)、申请人信息(姓名、生日、国籍、身份)、旧地址、新地址,然后留下你的邮箱、电子签名即可。
合并起来美国签证找大鹤 微信号:usadahe
搬家 美国移民局文章均为:美签大鹤原创,转载请注明出自https://www.9fo.com.cn/page/8733.html