After the birth of a foreign baby, if he/she wants to live and study in China for a long time, he/she must hold a valid identity card.
According to number 26 of the detailed rules for the implementation of the law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners stipulates that when a foreign baby is born in China, within one month after its birth, shall be reported to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of the local public security agency by its parents or agent with the birth certificate and go through the registration procedures.
The Chinese government does not recognize dual nationality of Chinese citizens.
According to the law of the Administration of Exit and Entry of the People's Republic of China, those who fail to apply for birth declaration within 60 days after their birth, or those who fail to apply for a visa with their baby's passport within 120 days after birth registration, shall be deemed to have illegally resided in China.
How to apply for long-term Chinese visa for foreign babies born in China? After the birth registration and passport, we can apply for the corresponding visa for the foreign baby according to the actual situation.
Application for reunion residence permit
If one of the parents of a foreign baby is of Chinese nationality and the baby is a foreigner, you can apply for a reunion residence permit.
If the foreign baby has Chinese relatives, the basic requirements for transferring reunion residence permit are as follows:
l 提供被探望人的身份证明
Provide the identity certificate of the person being visited
l 提供与中国籍家属的关系证明材料(家庭成员包括配偶、父母、配偶的父母、子女、兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女、子女的配偶)
Provide proof of relationship with Chinese family members (family members include spouse, parents, spouse's parents, children, brothers and sisters, grandparents, grandparents, grandchildren, grandchildren and children's spouses)
Application for residence permit for private affairs
If both parents of a foreign baby are foreigners and the baby is also a foreigner, you can apply for a residence permit for private affairs.
The parents of foreign babies are all foreigners, and the basic requirements for transfer to private affairs residence permit are as follows:
l 提供与居留事由相关的证明材料
Provide proof materials related to the reasons for residence
l 提供与外籍家属的关系证明材料
Provide proof of relationship with foreign family members
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