For foreigners working in China, applying for a work permit is an essential step. In the process of applying for a foreigner's work permit in China, applicants need to prepare a lot of application materials.
重要提醒 Important reminder:
* 所有材料需原件彩色扫描上传。
Please upload the color chromoscan of all the required original documents.
* 所有外文材料需上传所对应的翻译件,英文可由单位自行翻译,加盖单位公章,其他语种需专业机构翻译,加盖翻译机构公章。(护照或国际旅行证件除外)。
All documents of foreign languages have to be uploaded with the corresponding translations. English documents can be translated by the employing unit itself, and stamped with the official seal of the unit. For other languages, documents have to be translated by professional translation institutions, and stamped with the official seal of the translation agency. No translation is required for passports and other international travelling documents.
1. 申请表 Application Form:
* 在线填写信息后由系统自动生成。
Automatically generated by the system after filled in online.
* 下载打印后由申请人签名并加盖单位公章或经用人单位授权部门公章后上传。
Download and print out the application form from the online system, stamp (by the employing unit or the department authorized by the unit) and sign (by the applicant) on the form, and color chromoscan it to upload to the system.
Note: Signature on the last page of the application form has to be consistent with the one signed on the passport.
2. 工作资历证明 Work Qualification Certificate:
* 由申请人原工作过的单位出具从事与现聘用岗位工作相关的工作资历证明,包括职位、工作时间或曾经做过的项目 。
Issued by applicant’s previous company, which should include work position, work duration, and the projects that have been completed.
* 需申请人原工作单位加盖公章或负责人签字,并留有证明联系人有效联系电话或电子邮件。
The certificate has to be stamped by the company or signed by the person in charge, while valid contact number or email address of the person in charge should be included.
A. 若上传在华的工作经历证明,请一并补充上传曾在华工作期间的工作类居留许可页。
If a certificate of work experience in China is uploaded, the corresponding residence permit in China should also be uploaded.
B. 若工作资历证明为邮件方式取得,需补充上传情况说明,加盖单位公章,并补充邮件往来截图,邮件截图发送方需与开具工作资历证明发送方保持一致,非中文的材料需补充中文翻译件。
If the Work Qualification Certificate is accessed through email instead of the hard-copy of the original document, please also submit a stamped statement that specifies the absence of original Work Qualification Certificate. Screenshots and translations of email records shall also be submitted. The unit that sends the screenshots should be the one that issues the certificate.
3. 聘用合同 Employment contract/Certificate of employment relations:
* 职务为公司职员的,提供中文版劳动合同。合同(包括派遣函)应含有工作地点、工作内容、薪酬、来华工作时间、职位、盖章页(签字)必要内容。
For those whose working post is company staff, please upload the employment contract. The contract (together with the dispatch letter) should contain information such as work place, work position, job description, work duration, income level, stamp and signature, etc.
* 职务为法人的,可提供营业执照。
Business license has to be uploaded for those whose work position is legal representative.
* 用人单位是代表处且职务为一般代表或首席代表的,需提供代表证。
For those whose work position is general representative or chief representative of a representative office, please upload the representative certificate.
Note: Signature on the contract should be consistent with the one on the passport.
4. 最高学位(学历)Highest academic certificate:
* 最高学位(学历)证书在国外获得的,应经我驻外使、领馆或由申请人获得学位所在国驻华使、领馆或我国学历认证机构认证。
If the certificate was issued by a foreign university, the degree should be certified by a Chinese embassy or consulate in the related country, an embassy or consulate of the related country in China, or an academic authentication institution in China.
* 最高学位(学历)证书在港澳特别行政区和中国台湾地区获得的,应经我国学历认证机构认证或经所在地区公证机构公证。
If the certificate was issued in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, the degree should be certified by an academic authentication institution in China or notarized by the local notary office.
* 最高学位(学历)证书在中国境内获得的,应经学信网认证。
If the certificate was issued by a university in China, the degree should be certified online by China Credentials Verification (visit chsi.com.cn).
5. 无犯罪记录证明 Certificate of No Criminal Record:
* 应当由申请人国籍国或经常居住地警察、安全、法院等部门出具并经我驻外使、领馆认证或外国驻华使、领馆认证。
The certificate should be issued by the police, security, court, etc. of the applicant’s home country or country of residence, and should be certified by an embassy or consulate of China or by a foreign embassy or consulate in China.
* 在港澳特别行政区和中国台湾地区出具的无犯罪记录证明,应经所在地区公证机关公证。
If the certificate is issued by Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan, it should be notarized by the local notary office.
* 经常居住地指申请人离开国籍国最后连续居住一年以上的国家或地区,若所提交的无犯罪记录证明是经常居住地出具,还需提交相应时间段的签证或居留许可;经常居住地为中国境内的,无需认证。
The country of residence refers to the last country where the applicant has lived for more than one year after they left their home country. If the Certificate of No Criminal Record is issued by the country of residence, a visa or residence permit of the corresponding period has to be submitted as well. If the country of residence is in China, no authentication is required.
* 外交(含外国驻华使、领馆)出具的非宣誓性无犯罪记录可直接接收,不再认证。
A non-oath Certificate of No Criminal Record issued by a foreign embassy or consulate in China can be directly accepted without further authentication.
Note: Certificates of no criminal record should be issued within the last six months.
6. 体检证明 Physical Examination Report:
* 由中国检验检疫机构出具的境外人员体格检查记录验证证明或健康检查证明书或经中国检验检疫机构认可的境外卫生医疗机构出具的体检证明。经中国检验检疫机构认可的境外卫生医疗机构名单,可至当地驻外使领馆网站查询。
Physical examination reports or certificates shall be issued by the China Inspection and Quarantine Authority or an overseas medical institution approved by the China Inspection and Quarantine Authority (list of approved oversea medical institutions can be found on the website of embassy or consulate abroad).
* 入境前可采用承诺制,入境后申领《中华人民共和国外国人工作许可证》时应补充提交中国境内检验检疫机构出具的境外人员体格检查记录验证证明或健康检查证明书。
A letter of commitment regarding one’s health condition can be accepted before entering into China. However, physical examination reports or certificates issued by the China Inspection and Quarantine Authority will be required when applying for the Foreigner’s Work Permit.
Note: Physical Examination Report should be issued within the last six months.
7. 国外专业资格证明(如厨师证、TEFL证书等)Overseas professional qualification certificates (e.g. cook certificate and TEFL):
* 应经我驻外使、领馆认证,或获得专业资格证明所在国的驻华使、领馆认证或公证机构对原件公证。
Should be certified by a Chinese embassy or consulate in the related country or the related country’s embassy or consulate in China, or notarized by a notary office.
* 在港澳特别行政区和中国台湾地区获得的,应经所在地区公证机关对原件公证。
If the professional qualifications are issued in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, the original certificates shall be notarized by a local notary office.
8. 职业资格证明 Professional qualification certificates:
* 应经我驻外使、领馆认证,或获得专业资格证明所在国的驻华使、领馆认证或公证机构对原件公证
Should be certified by a Chinese embassy or consulate in the related country or the related country’s embassy or consulate in China, or notarized by a notary office.
* 在港澳特别行政区和中国台湾地区获得的,应经所在地区公证机关对原件公证。
If the professional qualifications are issued in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, the original certificates shall be notarized by a local notary office.
* 在中国内地取得的职业资格无需认证。
No authentication is required for professional qualifications obtained in China.
The above are some common questions about the application materials for foreign work permits in China. How to apply for foreigner's work permit and work-type residence permit? Please feel free to contact us. Regarding the work and residence permit visa for foreigners, we provide the following services:
Apply for work and residence permit for foreigners in China for the first time
Apply for extension of foreigner’s work and residence permit
Apply for transfer of foreigner’s work and residence permit
Apply for foreigner’s family member’s residence permit
Cancel/modify/reissue foreigner’s work and residence permit
Apply for confirmation letter for High Lever foreign talents (R visa)
Apply for Reunion-type residence permit
Apply for permanent residence permit and so on.
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