Foreigners working in China need to apply for a work permit and a work related residence permit (referred to as a work visa). The following are the precautions that foreigners need to pay attention to when applying for a work visa for the first time.
1. 外国人在华就业所从事的岗位必须符合国家相关规定,不能违反法律法规。
The positions held by foreigners in China must comply with relevant national regulations and cannot violate laws and regulations.
2. 外国人必须持证上岗。任何公司和个人不得聘用没有取得工作许可证及居留许可的外籍员工。
Foreigners must hold a certificate to work. No company or individual shall hire foreign employees who have not obtained a work permit or residence permit.
3. 如果不是A类人才,首次办理工作许可和居留许可的有效期一般为1年,企业要在有效期截止前1个月申请续签。
If it is not a Class A talent, the validity period for applying for a work permit and residence permit for the first time is generally one year, and the enterprise must apply for renewal one month before the expiration of the validity period.
4. 如果外国人在已获得工作居留许可的公司工作,但要跳槽到其他公司工作,则必须马上去办理签证变更手续。如若没有及时变更,就属于非法就业。
If a foreigner works in a company that has obtained a work and residence permit but wants to switch jobs to another company, they must immediately go through the visa change procedures. If there are no timely changes, it is considered illegal employment.
5. 如果外国人拿着团聚类居留许可找到工作后也必须马上去变更为工作签证后才可合法工作。否则将可能导致非法用工的处罚。
If a foreigner holds a reunion residence permit and finds a job, they must immediately change to a work visa before they can legally work. Otherwise, it may result in penalties for illegal employment.
So, what is the process for applying for a work visa for the first time?
Taking foreign nationals who have newly applied to work in China (over 90 days) as an example:
1. 入境前申办《外国人工作许可通知》
2. 申请Z字工作签证入境
3. 入境后申领《外国人工作许可证》
4. 申请外国人工作类居留许可证件
2. Apply for Z visa for entry
3. Apply for Foreigner's Work Permit after entering the country
4. Apply for work-type residence permit
2007/11/8 | Tags:在华工作签证 | 中国绿卡 | 查看评论(0)